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Praying Together

Everyone can pray. We're very blessed to live in a country where we can pray individually and corporately, so we encourage you to pray for the people in Venezuela... babies, children of all ages, and adults are all in desperate need of our prayers. We know they will be forever grateful for your intercession. 


We could always use volunteers. Life is hectic, and as much as we'd like to do this on a full-time basis, we also have our own jobs, responsibilities and daily challenges. There's always need for planning, organizing, networking or even getting supplies at the local stores. Needless to say, the boxes we pack are very heavy, so if you feel lead to help this way, please reach out to us, and we will share our current needs and find the right match for your skills.



Donations are what keep this outreach going, and our partners know we can't do this without them. There's no donation too small, as every penny is accounted for and all funds and tangible products are used at 100% for the people in Venezuela. Some organizations like to participate by donating medicines, diapers, new shoes or new clothes, and that's ALL very much needed. So if you're one of them or know of a company that might be willing to help this way, please help us connect!  We'd love to meet them. If you'd like to donate online, please click the link below for a secure transaction. 

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