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Venezuela has experienced political and social oppression for twenty years. The last few years have been devastating for the nation. In a country with over 30 million people, where half of them make minimum wage, life has taken a turn for the worst. At least 4 million people have left Venezuela and migrated to nearby countries. Colombia has received the majority of these refugees, creating internal chaos across the border and within the main cities of our neighbors.


As a Venezuelan that has lived in the US for many years, my heart breaks with the stories I hear on a daily basis. We have a lot of family in Venezuela, and close friends, so we know their pain and suffering firsthand. My family here in the US has been blessed by assimilating into a culture so rich in opportunities. We all studied and worked hard, allowing us to assist our loved ones in such desperate times by sending them food, medicine and even helping financially whenever possible.


For us the question was raised in the summer of 2018: what about the other people? What about those who don’t receive any help?  It was piercing my heart, and I felt the need to do something. We gathered some friends and started our own food drive. A local church was more than kind to let us use their facilities to conduct such an event. The local media helped promote it, and we made our own efforts via social media and visiting local businesses.



Moving & Shaking is a Call to Action!

As followers of Christ, we are called to be His Hands and Feet. In a world where half of the population lives in poverty, we can't sit still. Too many people go to bed every night with an empty stomach... too many children are growing up without the nutrients they need to fully develop into the person God has intended for them to be. 



The community poured out their love, and almost three years later, we have shipped over 30,000 pounds of food, Bibles, medicine, baby food, shoes, and hygiene items that have helped thousands of people across Venezuela. While it’s been a lot of work, it is also very rewarding to hear the numerous stories of how babies’ lives are improving, how people are benefiting from eating protein, how a nation is feeling the love from strangers overseas, and how hope is being restored.

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